The world is constantly changing and challenging us to be flexible in order to be successful. Just like you can train your body to become more limber, you can also stretch your mind to increase your flexibility.
When you’re in a challenging situation or need to make a critical decision, play with it, have some fun. Try it on from different points of view, including the opposite point of view. Look at it in a different context. What if it were a family decision or happening on another planet? Be creative!
You can practice viewing the situation from the 30,000-foot view or from the perspective of one person on your team or one customer. Flexible thinking challenges assumptions and opens the possibility for innovation.
By bringing in different perspectives and ideas, you might discover an “either/or” challenge becomes a “both/and” decision. Flexible thinking creates possibilities you never considered before, especially in the most challenging situations. Challenges present an opportunity for growth, and when executive leaders are flexible in their thinking, they can respond with greater wisdom in any situation.
How can you apply flexible thinking to one of your current challenges?
What can you do to continue to increase your mental flexibility?
“Mental flexibility unbends the bent, unties the knot, and unsticks the stuck.”
~ Liz Strauss