The 3 Keys to Staying Centered for Executive Leaders

Picture of Sonya shelton

Sonya shelton

CEO & Founder

Stay Centered
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Stay CenteredAs a leader, your team looks to you for indications about how they should react in challenging situations. If you lose your cool, they panic. If you stay calm and centered, they are more likely to do the same (although a few of them will still panic).

People model their leaders. The leader sets the stage for “how we do things around here.” So when you can stay centered in challenging times, not only are you able to think and act with clarity, so are the people around you.

The first key to staying centered is to be aware of what’s really happening. What’s reality versus interpretation? When our awareness is cluttered by fear or concern, we can’t be clear in the moment. One way to stay centered is to be present. Of course, this is easier said than done and takes ongoing practice, but it is the key to staying calm during trying times.

Next, before you take action, assess your relationship to the situation. Is it something you can control or influence? Or is it something you need to accept and put behind you? If it’s really chaotic, take some time to clear your mind. Then, from that place of calm decide what action you want to take.


How can you be more centered in challenging situations?

What can you do to help your team be more centered?


“Effective leaders stay centered when under stress and pressure, and they develop skills in their teams to do the same.”

~ Sonya Shelton


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