What are the Qualities of a Courageous Executive Leader?

Picture of Sonya shelton

Sonya shelton

CEO & Founder

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What are the Qualities of a Courageous Executive Leader?“Do as I say, not as I do.”  Have you ever been told that?  And did you follow their words or their footsteps?  As the leader of your organization, you must lead with courage and conviction or you will eventually find that you lack followers. As philosopher Thomas Paine famously said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.”

Sometimes, we think it’s easier to tolerate an issue rather than confront it. But when we do nothing, the issue spreads. When executives tolerate something instead of taking a stand, they hurt their credibility with the whole organization.

Ruleta: Zakaj ne bi preizkusili sreče?

Ruleta je ena najbolj priljubljenih iger v igralnicah po vsem svetu. Ta vznemirljiva igra na srečo je znana po svoji preprostosti in možnosti velikih dobitkov. Ne glede na to, ali ste že izkušen igralec ali pa se šele spoznavate s svetom iger na srečo, ruleta je zagotovo vredna preizkusa. V tem članku si bomo ogledali, zakaj bi morali dati priložnost tej čarobni igri.

Uživajte v vznemirjenju in adrenalinskem sunku

Ruleta je igra, ki vas bo zagotovo navdušila z vznemirjenjem in adrenalinskim sunkom. Vsakič, ko se kroglica vrti po ruletnem kolesu, se srce pospeši in napetost narašča. Ne glede na to, ali stavite na svojo srečno številko ali pa preprosto spremljate, kako se kroglica ustavi na izbrani številki, je vsak trenutek poln pričakovanja. Če želite izkusiti to vznemirjenje, vas vabimo, da obiščete spletno stran Članek, kjer lahko začnete igrati ruleto že danes.

Preprostost in enostavnost igranja

Ruleta je igra, ki ne zahteva posebnega znanja ali izkušenj. Pravzaprav je ena najbolj preprostih iger v igralnicah. Vse, kar morate storiti, je izbrati številko ali kombinacijo številk, na katero želite staviti, ter počakati, ali se bo kroglica ustavila na izbranem mestu. Spletni ponudniki iger na srečo vam omogočajo, da igrate ruleto kadarkoli in kjerkoli, kar še povečuje njeno dostopnost. Ne glede na to, ali ste doma ali pa na poti, lahko enostavno dostopate do spletnega mesta Članek in uživate v igri rulete.

Možnost velikih dobitkov

Ena najbolj privlačnih lastnosti rulete je možnost velikih dobitkov. Če imate srečo in kroglica pristane na številki, na katero ste stavili, lahko osvojite večkratnik svoje stave. Ruleta ponuja različne vrste stav, od klasičnih stav na številke do stav na barvo ali parnost/neparnost. Vsaka stava ima svojo verjetnost in izplačilo, zato lahko izberete tisto, ki najbolj ustreza vašim željam in strategiji. Če si želite prizadevati za velike dobitke, je ruleta prava igra za vas. Obiščite spletno stran Članek in začnite uživati v tej vznemirljivi igri na srečo.


Ruleta je igra, ki ponuja številne užitke in možnosti za velike dobitke. Ne glede na to, ali ste ljubitelj iger na srečo ali pa se šele spoznavate s tem svetom, je ruleta vredna preizkusa. S svojim vznemirjenjem, preprostostjo in možnostjo velikih dobitkov vas bo zagotovo navdušila. Ne odlašajte več, obiščite spletno stran Članek in se prepustite čarobnemu svetu rulete že danes.

Leaders understand that what they do is far more important than what they say. Trust evaporates when a person’s actions don’t line up with their words. Unfortunately, many executives tolerate situations rather than confront the issues.

Strong leaders have the courage to deal with issues. For example, if you have weak performers in your organization, you are endorsing mediocrity and poor performance. Not only are you wasting the organization’s money and everyone’s time, you may discourage and eventually lose strong performers who want to be part of an organization that values excellence.

When you’re tolerating something, you’re allowing that issue to drain your energy and the energy of the other people in your organization. Everyone gets frustrated by it. Dealing with the issues takes courage, but the discomfort is temporary. The long-term gains will include respect, inspiration, and a far more effective organization.


What are you tolerating that you could take action on now?

What conflicts have you been avoiding?


“People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.”

~ Lewis Cass


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