How to Lead a Productive Virtual Team
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How to Lead a Productive Virtual Team

Effective leadership can be tricky when there are so many moving variables. We’ve identified 6 key factors that can maximize the productivity of your virtual team. Click to read more!

Building Confidence in Times of Uncertainty
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Building Confidence in Times of Uncertainty

As a leader, you may not have led people through a crisis before, but you are in your role for a reason. We’ve put together our best tips and guidance to help you build confidence in you and your team – no matter the circumstances.

Dramatically Increase Your Productivity in 5 Steps
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Dramatically Increase Your Productivity in 5 Steps

We noticed everyone talking about how difficult it is to keep up productivity – especially when working from home. There are things to do, but somehow getting it all done sounds impossible. Not any more! Take these 5 steps to dramatically increase your productivity and GET IT DONE.

How To Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement
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How To Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Organizations can always improve something. Nothing is ever flawless, no matter how much we wish it could be. If you accept this reality, you can help your team create an environment of continuous improvement. When we accept that flaws exist, we provide the freedom to focus on improvement. When someone makes a mistake, correct it and continue on toward your objectives. Encourage…

Effective Leaders Foster Open Communication
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Effective Leaders Foster Open Communication

As a leader, you want your team to follow you. To follow you, they need to trust you. To trust you, they need to believe what you say, and they want to know you care. It’s even better when you trust them too. Part of developing that trust, respect, and rapport you need to lead is open communication. It doesn’t just…

Thinking Vs. Doing: The Owner’s Dilemma
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Thinking Vs. Doing: The Owner’s Dilemma

There’s a steady breeze from the northwest, which cools the warm Caribbean afternoon. Framed between a palm tree and the turquoise water, you notice a man reading. He appears to be working, which seems strange given his appearance: shaggy blonde hair, linen shirt, surf shorts and flip-flops. You squint and realize the man is Richard…

Six Ways to Profit From Your Vacation
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Six Ways to Profit From Your Vacation

Summer is almost over, and many of us are getting in those last weeks of vacation before Fall. Although it may seem strange, now may be the perfect time to increase the value of your company. The most valuable businesses are the ones that can survive without their owner. A buyer will pay a premium…