How Aligned Is Your Leadership Team?
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How Aligned Is Your Leadership Team?

Many organizations are feeling the effects of the Great Resignation. We see that burnout is a big contributor. According to a Predictive Index study, 45% of employees say many of their team members seemed burned out at work.  Many senior leaders are frustrated by their organization’s failure to successfully execute the strategic objectives. Most assume it’s because of burnout…

How to Lead a Productive Virtual Team
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How to Lead a Productive Virtual Team

Effective leadership can be tricky when there are so many moving variables. We’ve identified 6 key factors that can maximize the productivity of your virtual team. Click to read more!

Be Flexible & Align Expectations In Times of Uncertainty
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Be Flexible & Align Expectations In Times of Uncertainty

We know things are changing and will continue to change. Especially in times of uncertainty, we need to be flexible and empathetic with one another – both in work and in life. Then we need to align those expectations with those around us, so everyone is on the same page.

How To Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement
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How To Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Organizations can always improve something. Nothing is ever flawless, no matter how much we wish it could be. If you accept this reality, you can help your team create an environment of continuous improvement. When we accept that flaws exist, we provide the freedom to focus on improvement. When someone makes a mistake, correct it and continue on toward your objectives. Encourage…

How Executive Leaders Stop to Create Growth
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How Executive Leaders Stop to Create Growth

As we embark toward achieving our vision, organizations sometimes continue to do things that either don’t work or don’t support the vision. When someone questions “why do we do that?” The answer is often “we’ve always done it this way.” Sometimes the person answering the question really doesn’t understand the purpose, which means they’re missing information. However, most often, the truth is that…

3 Tips to Reorganize Toward Your Vision
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3 Tips to Reorganize Toward Your Vision

When you change the vision, it’s important to ensure the structure of the organization supports the retooled vision. Reorganizing can improve integration, flexibility, and productivity in a powerful way. If you want to achieve significant change, some structural changes will likely be necessary. It’s difficult for people to do new things in their current role since they’re in the habit of doing things…

Yes, Growth Is Risky
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Yes, Growth Is Risky

Trying anything new is risky. But it’s new ideas that catapult organizations to higher level樂威壯 s of growth and success. People aren’t motivated to follow leaders who are satisfied with the status quo. Of course, your organization or its industry may typically be risk averse, and taking risks doesn’t mean you have to rebel against it. When you’re willing to take calculated…

How to Lead your Team Through Change
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How to Lead your Team Through Change

In today’s business world, not only is change the norm, but the speed of change continues to accelerate. Dealing with change and leading others through it can be challenging. No matter what business you’re in, your ability to lead your organization through change can make or break your success. Changes come in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons. The…

Successful Leaders Reinforce the Vision
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Successful Leaders Reinforce the Vision

To keep your team moving in the right direction, you need to reinforce the vision. That doesn’t mean you have to recite it like a parrot; it means getting your team engaged and keeping them engaged. Talk about possibilities in the context of your vision. Celebrate accomplishments in the context of your vision. Have fun…