Value Your Time and Focus on Growth
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Value Your Time and Focus on Growth

One of the biggest issues we’re hearing from our clients is overwhelm – for them and their teams.  Lack of clarity and focus can be big contributors to overwhelm.   When you have a clear vision and clear target objectives, you’re able to focus primarily on the priorities that will bring you closer to achieving the vision. Once you’ve set…

3 Tips to Reorganize Toward Your Vision
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3 Tips to Reorganize Toward Your Vision

When you change the vision, it’s important to ensure the structure of the organization supports the retooled vision. Reorganizing can improve integration, flexibility, and productivity in a powerful way. If you want to achieve significant change, some structural changes will likely be necessary. It’s difficult for people to do new things in their current role since they’re in the habit of doing things…

When Executives Value Their Time,  Others Will Too
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When Executives Value Their Time,
Others Will Too

If you don’t value your time, no one else will value it either. As a leader, it’s important to be accessible, but you also need others to respect your time. When you have set your priorities, the majority of your time should be spent on them. Of course, unexpected things come up that require our…