How To Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement
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How To Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Organizations can always improve something. Nothing is ever flawless, no matter how much we wish it could be. If you accept this reality, you can help your team create an environment of continuous improvement. When we accept that flaws exist, we provide the freedom to focus on improvement. When someone makes a mistake, correct it and continue on toward your objectives. Encourage…

Effective Leaders Foster Open Communication
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Effective Leaders Foster Open Communication

As a leader, you want your team to follow you. To follow you, they need to trust you. To trust you, they need to believe what you say, and they want to know you care. It’s even better when you trust them too. Part of developing that trust, respect, and rapport you need to lead is open communication. It doesn’t just…

Growing Fast? Here’s What’s Likely To Kill Your Company
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Growing Fast? Here’s What’s Likely To Kill Your Company

If your goal is to grow your business fast, you need a positive cash flow cycle or the ability to raise money at a feverish pace. Anything less and you will quickly grow yourself out of business. A positive cash flow cycle simply means you get paid before you have to pay others. A negative…

5 Ways To Get Your Business To Run Without You
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5 Ways To Get Your Business To Run Without You

Some owners focus on growing their profits, while others are obsessed with sales goals. Have you ever considered making it your primary goal to set up your business so that it can thrive and grow without you? A business not dependent on its owner is the ultimate asset to own. It allows you complete control…

Take a Blood Pressure Test for Your Business
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Take a Blood Pressure Test for Your Business

When was the last time you had your blood pressure tested? Taking your blood pressure is one of the first things most doctors do before treating you for just about anything. How much pressure your blood is under as it courses through your veins is a reliable indicator of your overall health; and it can…

The Power of Consistent Evaluation
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The Power of Consistent Evaluation

Evaluate every aspect of your organization on a regular basis. To ensure focus, productivity, efficiency, and successful results, everything from your people to your processes to your systems to your priorities to your projects needs to be consistently evaluated. Think of it like giving your organization a regular check-up to make sure it’s performing at an optimal level. Many executives focus on…

Six Ways to Profit From Your Vacation
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Six Ways to Profit From Your Vacation

Summer is almost over, and many of us are getting in those last weeks of vacation before Fall. Although it may seem strange, now may be the perfect time to increase the value of your company. The most valuable businesses are the ones that can survive without their owner. A buyer will pay a premium…

How Three Moves Quadrupled the Value of this Business
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How Three Moves Quadrupled the Value of this Business

Are you stuck trying to figure out how to create some recurring revenue for your business? You know those automatic sales will make your business more valuable and predictable, but the secret to transforming your company is to think less about what’s in it for you and more about coming up with a reason for…

3 Steps to Solve Problems More Effectively
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3 Steps to Solve Problems More Effectively

You can tell the effectiveness of a leader by the size of the problems they tackle. More responsibility brings greater problems and bigger decisions. If the problem was easy to solve, someone else would have already solved it. As a leader, you already understand the value of solving problems. Now it’s up to you to help others solve problems more effectively….

How Executive Leaders Make Tough Decisions
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How Executive Leaders Make Tough Decisions

Making clear decisions is a critical factor to effective leadership. However, many executives suffer from decidophobia, the fear of making tough decisions. Decisions take courage, and courage means taking intelligent risks to move the organization in the direction of the vision. It’s important to gather data and perspectives, and you can use several decision-making models to help you do it well. However,…