The Most Effective Leaders Never Stop Learning
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The Most Effective Leaders Never Stop Learning

Great leaders are great learners. Getting feedback from others allows you to continue to learn and grow. Just like you want your team and your organization to improve, you also want to improve yourself. Ask others for feedback on a regular basis. Some leaders make the mistake of thinking they need to have all the answers. Successful leaders never stop learning —…

How Executive Leaders Stop to Create Growth
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How Executive Leaders Stop to Create Growth

As we embark toward achieving our vision, organizations sometimes continue to do things that either don’t work or don’t support the vision. When someone questions “why do we do that?” The answer is often “we’ve always done it this way.” Sometimes the person answering the question really doesn’t understand the purpose, which means they’re missing information. However, most often, the truth is that…

3 Tips to Reorganize Toward Your Vision
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3 Tips to Reorganize Toward Your Vision

When you change the vision, it’s important to ensure the structure of the organization supports the retooled vision. Reorganizing can improve integration, flexibility, and productivity in a powerful way. If you want to achieve significant change, some structural changes will likely be necessary. It’s difficult for people to do new things in their current role since they’re in the habit of doing things…

How to Lead your Team Through Change
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How to Lead your Team Through Change

In today’s business world, not only is change the norm, but the speed of change continues to accelerate. Dealing with change and leading others through it can be challenging. No matter what business you’re in, your ability to lead your organization through change can make or break your success. Changes come in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons. The…

Setting Priorities is Key to Leadership Success
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Setting Priorities is Key to Leadership Success

Distractions can tempt us every day. Other people have their own agendas for our time and attention. We might have the best intentions of working on our priorities, but other things get in the way. We may even become so ambitious that we create a long list of priorities, which means we don’t really have…

How Well Do You Know Yourself?
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How Well Do You Know Yourself?

Great leaders understand who they are and where they stand. They also know that they don’t know everything. You may think you already know yourself. But real knowing is understanding that we don’t know everything. Think about the leaders you admire who have achieved great things and made a difference in some way. To step…

When Executives Value Their Time,  Others Will Too
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When Executives Value Their Time,
Others Will Too

If you don’t value your time, no one else will value it either. As a leader, it’s important to be accessible, but you also need others to respect your time. When you have set your priorities, the majority of your time should be spent on them. Of course, unexpected things come up that require our…