How to Make Your 2020 Vision 20/20
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How to Make Your 2020 Vision 20/20

You may have seen articles and blogs this year connecting your personal or company vision for the year 2020 with having 20/20 eyesight. Yes, it’s cute. But it actually goes much deeper than the play on words (or numbers in this case). Here’s why… 20/20 vision means you can see clearly. And your 2020 vision…

5 Keys to a Winning Strategy to Grow Your Business Faster & Easier
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5 Keys to a Winning Strategy to Grow Your Business Faster & Easier

“If you’re not growing, you’re dying.” This is a Universal Law of Nature, and it is a principle of business too. There’s no standing still, no room for complacency and no staying in the comfort zone. If we stand still, the world keeps going on without us. Yet, sometimes we feel stuck in our business….

Growing Fast? Here’s What’s Likely To Kill Your Company
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Growing Fast? Here’s What’s Likely To Kill Your Company

If your goal is to grow your business fast, you need a positive cash flow cycle or the ability to raise money at a feverish pace. Anything less and you will quickly grow yourself out of business. A positive cash flow cycle simply means you get paid before you have to pay others. A negative…

5 Ways To Get Your Business To Run Without You
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5 Ways To Get Your Business To Run Without You

Some owners focus on growing their profits, while others are obsessed with sales goals. Have you ever considered making it your primary goal to set up your business so that it can thrive and grow without you? A business not dependent on its owner is the ultimate asset to own. It allows you complete control…

Why Bother Doing It the Hard Way?
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Why Bother Doing It the Hard Way?

Whether you want to sell your business next year or a decade from now, you will have two basic options for an external sale: the financial or the strategic buyer. The Financial Buyer The financial buyer is buying the rights to your future profit stream, so the more profitable your business is expected to be,…

3 Steps to Measure Your Progress
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3 Steps to Measure Your Progress

To ensure you realize the vision, you need to have the right measures in place, and they need to be institutionalized. How you measure success can make or break whether or not you achieve it. If the strategies and objectives your team has created aren’t producing the desired outcome, you want to know as soon as possible. First, you need to…

How Executive Leaders Stop to Create Growth
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How Executive Leaders Stop to Create Growth

As we embark toward achieving our vision, organizations sometimes continue to do things that either don’t work or don’t support the vision. When someone questions “why do we do that?” The answer is often “we’ve always done it this way.” Sometimes the person answering the question really doesn’t understand the purpose, which means they’re missing information. However, most often, the truth is that…

3 Tips to Reorganize Toward Your Vision
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3 Tips to Reorganize Toward Your Vision

When you change the vision, it’s important to ensure the structure of the organization supports the retooled vision. Reorganizing can improve integration, flexibility, and productivity in a powerful way. If you want to achieve significant change, some structural changes will likely be necessary. It’s difficult for people to do new things in their current role since they’re in the habit of doing things…

Yes, Growth Is Risky
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Yes, Growth Is Risky

Trying anything new is risky. But it’s new ideas that catapult organizations to higher level樂威壯 s of growth and success. People aren’t motivated to follow leaders who are satisfied with the status quo. Of course, your organization or its industry may typically be risk averse, and taking risks doesn’t mean you have to rebel against it. When you’re willing to take calculated…

Strengthen Your Vision by Setting the Context
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Strengthen Your Vision by Setting the Context

As the leader of your organization, you understand the context behind your vision and your decisions. It’s part of the environmental considerations you need to understand. However, not everyone sees the context the same way you do, so it’s important to explain it. To really make your vision come to life, you need to create the whole picture for yourself and for…